Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Commemorating the Martyrdom of the Báb

Photo Illustration © 2014 Chuck Egerton 

“Had you believed in Me, O wayward generation,” were the last words of the Báb to the gazing multitude as the regiment was preparing to fire the final volley, “every one of you would have followed the example of this youth, who stood in rank above most of you, and willingly would have sacrificed himself in My path. The day will come when you will have recognised Me; that day I shall have ceased to be with you.”

-The Dawn-Breakers: Nabíl’s Narrative of the Early Days of the Bahá’í Revelation, p.514

“Bestir yourselves, ye proud ones of the earth, and hasten ye unto Him.”

"This is the Day in which He Who held converse with God hath attained the light of the Ancient of Days, and quaffed the pure waters of reunion from this Cup that hath caused the seas to swell. Say: By the one true God! Sinai is circling round the Dayspring of Revelation, while from the heights of the Kingdom the Voice of the Spirit of God is heard proclaiming: “Bestir yourselves, ye proud ones of the earth, and hasten ye unto Him.” Carmel hath, in this Day, hastened in longing adoration to attain His court, whilst from the heart of Zion there cometh the cry: “The promise is fulfilled. That which had been announced in the holy Writ of God, the Most Exalted, the Almighty, the Best-Beloved, is made manifest.”"

-Bahá'u'lláh, The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, pp. 48-49

Shrine of the Báb

Monday, July 7, 2014

"Cast away that which ye possess, and, on the wings of detachment, soar beyond all created things."

"O peoples of the earth! God, the Eternal Truth, is My witness that streams of fresh and soft-flowing waters have gushed from the rocks through the sweetness of the words uttered by your Lord, the Unconstrained; and still ye slumber. Cast away that which ye possess, and, on the wings of detachment, soar beyond all created things. Thus biddeth you the Lord of creation, the movement of Whose Pen hath revolutionized the soul of mankind.

Know ye from what heights your Lord, the All-Glorious, is calling? Think ye that ye have recognized the Pen wherewith your Lord, the Lord of all names, commandeth you? Nay, by My life! Did ye but know it, ye would renounce the world, and would hasten with your whole hearts to the presence of the Well-Beloved. Your spirits would be so transported by His Word as to throw into commotion the Greater World—how much more this small and petty one! Thus have the showers of My bounty been poured down from the heaven of My loving-kindness, as a token of My grace, that ye may be of the thankful."

-Bahá'u'lláh, The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, p. 39

MC Escher

Sunday, July 6, 2014

" ... the Book itself is the unerring Balance established amongst men."

"Say: O leaders of religion! Weigh not the Book of God with such standards and sciences as are current amongst you, for the Book itself is the unerring Balance established amongst men. In this most perfect Balance whatsoever the peoples and kindreds of the earth possess must be weighed, while the measure of its weight should be tested according to its own standard, did ye but know it."

-Bahá'u'lláh, The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, p. 56

Saturday, July 5, 2014

" Say: These verses draw hearts that are pure unto those spiritual worlds that can neither be expressed in words nor intimated by allusion."

"They who recite the verses of the All-Merciful in the most melodious of tones will perceive in them that with which the sovereignty of earth and heaven can never be compared. From them they will inhale the divine fragrance of My worlds—worlds which today none can discern save those who have been endowed with vision through this sublime, this beauteous Revelation. Say: These verses draw hearts that are pure unto those spiritual worlds that can neither be expressed in words nor intimated by allusion. Blessed be those who hearken."

-Bahá'u'lláh, The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, p. 61

Friday, July 4, 2014

"None must contend with those who wield authority over the people ..."

"None must contend with those who wield authority over the people; leave unto them that which is theirs, and direct your attention to men’s hearts."

-Bahá'u'lláh, The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, p. 54

MC Escher

Thursday, July 3, 2014

"Cast away that which ye possess, and, on the wings of detachment, soar beyond all created things."

"O peoples of the earth! God, the Eternal Truth, is My witness that streams of fresh and soft-flowing waters have gushed from the rocks through the sweetness of the words uttered by your Lord, the Unconstrained; and still ye slumber. Cast away that which ye possess, and, on the wings of detachment, soar beyond all created things. Thus biddeth you the Lord of creation, the movement of Whose Pen hath revolutionized the soul of mankind."

-Bahá'u'lláh, The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, p. 39

MC Escher