Monday, December 22, 2014
"O My brother! Forsake thine own desires, turn thy face unto thy Lord ..."
"O My brother! Forsake thine own desires, turn thy face unto thy Lord, and walk not in the footsteps of those who have taken their corrupt inclinations for their god, that perchance thou mayest find shelter in the heart of existence, beneath the redeeming shadow of Him Who traineth all names and attributes. For they who turn away from their Lord in this day are in truth accounted amongst the dead, though to outward seeming they may walk upon the earth, amongst the deaf, though they may hear, and amongst the blind, though they may see, as hath been clearly stated by Him Who is the Lord of the Day of Reckoning: “Hearts have they with which they understand not, and eyes have they with which they see not….” 18 They walk the edge of a treacherous bank and tread the brink of a fiery abyss. 19 They partake not of the billows of this surging and treasure-laden Ocean, but disport themselves with their own idle words."
-Bahá'u'lláh, Gems of Divine Mysteries (Javáhiru’l-Asrár) . pp. 48-49
18. Qur’án 7:179.
19. cf. Qur’án 9:109; 3:103.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
"He promised all men that they shall attain unto His own presence in the Day of Resurrection."
"Know then that the paradise that appeareth in the day of God surpasseth every other paradise and excelleth the realities of Heaven. For when God—blessed and glorified is He—sealed the station of prophethood in the person of Him Who was His Friend, His Chosen One, and His Treasure amongst His creatures, as hath been revealed from the Kingdom of glory: “but He is the Apostle of God and the Seal of the Prophets”, 9 He promised all men that they shall attain unto His own presence in the Day of Resurrection. In this He meant to emphasize the greatness of the Revelation to come, as it hath indeed been manifested through the power of truth. And there is of a certainty no paradise greater than this, nor station higher, should ye reflect upon the verses of the Qur’án. Blessed be he who knoweth of a certainty that he shall attain unto the presence of God on that day when His Beauty shall be made manifest."
-Bahá'u'lláh, Gems of Divine Mysteries (Javáhiru’l-Asrár) , pp. 42-43
9. Qur’án 33:40.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
“He who is a true believer liveth both in this world and in the world to come.”
"Know then that “life” hath a twofold meaning. The first pertaineth to the appearance of man in an elemental body, and is as manifest to thine eminence and to others as the midday sun. This life cometh to an end with physical death, which is a God-ordained and inescapable reality. That life, however, which is mentioned in the Books of the Prophets and the Chosen Ones of God is the life of knowledge; that is to say, the servant’s recognition of the sign of the splendours wherewith He Who is the Source of all
splendour hath Himself invested him, and his certitude of attaining unto the presence of God through the Manifestations of His Cause. This is that blessed and everlasting life that perisheth not: whosoever is quickened thereby shall never die, but will endure as long as His Lord and Creator will endure.
The first life, which pertaineth to the elemental body, will come to an end, as hath been revealed by God: “Every soul shall taste of death.” 14 But the second life, which ariseth from the knowledge of God, knoweth no death, as hath been revealed aforetime: “Him will We surely quicken to a blessed life.” 15 And in another passage concerning the martyrs: “Nay, they are alive and sustained by their Lord.” 16 And from the Traditions: “He who is a true believer liveth both in this world and in the world to come.” 17 Numerous examples of similar words are to be found in the Books of God and of the Embodiments of His justice. For the sake of brevity, however, We have contented Ourself with the above passages."
-Bahá'u'lláh, Gems of Divine Mysteries (Javáhiru’l-Asrár), pp. 47-48
14. Qur’án 3:185.
15. Qur’án 16:97.
16. Qur’án 3:169.
17. From a Hadíth.
Friday, December 19, 2014
“He is the First and the Last; the Seen and the Hidden; and He knoweth all things!”
"I shall restate here My theme, that perchance this may assist thee in recognizing thy Creator. Know thou that God—exalted and glorified be He—doth in no wise manifest His inmost Essence and Reality. From time immemorial He hath been veiled in the eternity of His Essence and concealed in the infinitude of His own Being. And when He purposed to manifest His beauty in the kingdom of names and to reveal His glory in the realm of attributes, He brought forth His Prophets from the invisible plane to the visible, that His name “the Manifest” might be distinguished from “the Hidden” and His name “the Last” might be discerned from “the First”, and that there may be fulfilled the words: “He is the First and the Last; the Seen and the Hidden; and He knoweth all things!” 5 Thus hath He revealed these most excellent names and most exalted words in the Manifestations of His Self and the Mirrors of His Being."
-Bahá'u'lláh, Gems of Divine Mysteries (Javáhiru’l-Asrár), pp. 34-35
5. Qur’án 57:3.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
“His eyes were as a flame of fire”
"Wing then thy flight unto this divine Tree and partake of its fruits. Gather up that which hath fallen therefrom and guard it faithfully. Meditate then upon the utterance of one of the Prophets as He intimated to the souls of men, through veiled allusions and hidden symbols, the glad-tidings of the One Who was to come after Him, that thou mayest know of a certainty that their words are inscrutable to all save those who are endued with an understanding heart. He saith: “His eyes were as a flame of fire”, and “brass-like were His feet”, and “out of His mouth goeth a two-edged sword”. 22 How could these words be literally interpreted? Were anyone to appear with all these signs, he would assuredly not be human. And how could any soul seek his company? Nay, should he appear in one city, even the inhabitants of the next would flee from him, nor would any soul dare approach him! Yet, shouldst thou reflect upon these statements, thou wouldst find them to be of such surpassing eloquence and clarity as to mark the loftiest heights of utterance and the epitome of wisdom. Methinks it is from them that the suns of eloquence have appeared and the stars of clarity have dawned forth and shone resplendent."
-Bahá'u'lláh, Gems of Divine Mysteries (Javáhiru’l-Asrár), pp. 52-53
22. cf. Rev. 1:14–16; 2:18; 19:15.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
“No change canst thou find in God’s mode of dealing.”
"Hast thou not heard: “No change is there in God’s creation”? 1 Hast thou not read: “No change canst thou find in God’s mode of dealing”? 2 Hast thou not borne witness to the truth: “No difference wilt thou see in the creation of the God of Mercy”? 3 Yea, by My Lord! They that dwell within this Ocean, they that ride upon this Ark, witness no change in the creation of God and behold no differences upon His earth. And if God’s creation be not prone to change and alteration, how then could they who are the Manifestations of His own Being be subject to it? Immeasurably exalted is God above all that we may conceive of the Revealers of His Cause, and immensely glorified is He beyond all that they may mention in His regard!
Great God! This sea had laid up lustrous pearls in store;
The wind hath raised a wave that casteth them ashore.
So put away thy robe and drown thyself therein,
And cease to boast of skill: it serveth thee no more!"
-Bahá'u'lláh, Gems of Divine Mysteries (Javáhiru’l-Asrár), pp. 32-33
1. Qur’án 30:30.
2. Qur’án 48:23.
3. Qur’án 67:3.
Alberto Giacometti
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
“Out of his mouth goeth a two-edged sword.”
"And further He saith: “Out of his mouth goeth a two-edged sword.” Know thou that since the sword is an instrument that divideth and cleaveth asunder, and since there proceedeth from the mouth of the Prophets and the Chosen Ones of God that which separateth the believer from the infidel and the lover from the beloved, this term hath been so employed, and apart from this dividing and separating no other meaning is intended. Thus, when He Who is the Primal Point and the eternal Sun desireth, by the leave of God, to gather together all creation, to raise them up from the graves of their own selves, and to divide them one from another, He shall pronounce but one verse from Him, and this verse will distinguish truth from error from this day unto the Day of Resurrection. What sword is sharper than this heavenly sword, what blade more trenchant than this incorruptible steel that severeth every tie and separateth thereby the believer from the infidel, father from son, brother from sister, and lover from beloved? 25 For whoso believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him is a true believer and whoso turneth away is an infidel, and such an irrevocable separation occurreth between them that they will cease to consort and associate with each other in this world. And so it is between father and son, for should the son believe and the father deny, they will be severed and forever dissociated from each other. Nay rather, thou witnesseth how the son slayeth the father and the father the son. Consider in the same light all that We have explained and related unto thee."
-Bahá'u'lláh, Gems of Divine Mysteries (Javáhiru’l-Asrár) , pp. 56-57
25. cf. Luke 12:53.
Paul Strand
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