Tuesday, July 21, 2015

"So it is with the divine religions: With the passage of time, their original precepts are altered ..."

"In the beginning, this tree was full of vitality and laden with blossoms and fruit, but gradually it grew old, spent, and barren, until it entirely withered and decayed. That is why the True Gardener will again plant a tender sapling of the same stock, that it may grow and develop day by day, extend its sheltering shade in this heavenly garden, and yield its prized fruit. So it is with the divine religions: With the passage of time, their original precepts are altered, their underlying truth entirely vanishes, their spirit departs, doctrinal innovations spring up, and they become a body without a soul. That is why they are renewed."

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions

Monday, July 20, 2015

"Praise be to God that you have come here and met the servants of God! ..."

"Praise be to God that you have come here and met the servants of God! Have you inhaled from them aught save the fragrance of the good-pleasure of the Lord? Indeed, no! You have seen with your own eyes how they strive night and day to no other end but to exalt the Word of God, to foster the education of the souls, to rehabilitate the fortunes of mankind, to ensure spiritual progress, to promote universal peace, to show forth kindliness and goodwill to all peoples and nations, to sacrifice themselves for the common good, to forsake their own material advantage, and to promote the virtues of the world of humanity."

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions

Sunday, July 19, 2015

"These holy Souls are like the leaves of a tree which are stirred into motion by the breeze and not of Their own accord ..."

"These holy Souls are like the leaves of a tree which are stirred into motion by the breeze and not of Their own accord, for They are attracted by the breaths of the love of God and have forsaken Their own will. Their word is the word of God; Their commandment is the commandment of God; Their prohibition is the prohibition of God. ..."

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions

Saturday, July 18, 2015

“there is naught in creation more wondrous than that which already exists”.(Hermes)

" ... When one examines creation with a penetrating eye, when one grasps the intricacies of created things and witnesses the condition, the order, and the completeness of the world of existence, one is convinced of the truth that “there is naught in creation more wondrous than that which already exists”.(Hermes) For all existing things, whether on earth or in the heavens, even this limitless firmament and all that it contains, have been most befittingly created, arranged, composed, ordered, and completed, and suffer no imperfection. To such an extent is this true that if all beings were to become pure intelligence and to reflect until the end that has no end, they could not possibly imagine anything better than that which already exists."

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions

Friday, July 17, 2015

" ...the essential requirement of a thing is inseparable from the thing itself."

" ...the essential requirement of a thing is inseparable from the thing itself. The rays are an essential requirement of the sun and are inseparable from it; knowledge is an essential requirement of God and is inseparable from Him; power is an essential requirement of God and is likewise inseparable from Him. If it were possible to separate these from Him, He would not be God. If the rays could be separated from the sun, it would not be the sun. ..."

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions

Thursday, July 16, 2015

" ... The first thing to emanate from God is that universal reality which the ancient philosophers termed the “First Intellect” ..."

..."It follows that all things have emanated from God; that is, it is through God that all things have been realized, and through Him that the contingent world has come to exist. The first thing to emanate from God is that universal reality which the ancient philosophers termed the “First Intellect” and which the people of Bahá call the “Primal Will”. This emanation, with respect to its action in the world of God, is not limited by either time or place and has neither beginning nor end, for in relation to God the beginning and the end are one and the same. The pre-existence of God is both essential and temporal, while the origination of the contingent world is essential but not temporal ..."

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions

Andrew Wyeth

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

" ...The sanctified Essence of the Sun of Truth cannot be divided or descend into the condition of the creation."

"The procession of creation from God is a procession through emanation. That is, creation emanates from God; it does not manifest Him. The connection is that of emanation and not of manifestation. The light of the sun emanates from the sun; it does not manifest it. Appearance through emanation is like the appearance of the rays from the sun: The sanctified Essence of the Sun of Truth cannot be divided or descend into the condition of the creation. In the same way, the sun does not divide itself or descend upon the earth, but its rays—the outpourings of its grace—emanate from it and illumine the dark bodies."

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions
