photo of St. Croix by Trina G. |
"In this Day the Bayán is conditioned and dependent upon the acceptance of this Most Great Revelation. We, verily, did send down unto My Herald that which caused the Books of God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting, to rejoice. We sent it unto Him and, when it reached Him and He perused it, He was so transported by the breaths of Revelation that with His whole being He soared into Mine atmosphere, and purposed to attain My presence and to stand before My face. Such was the vibrant influence of Our words upon Him as no tongue can ever tell, nor any pen recount. To this testifieth the Mother Book in this, the Day of Return. We, verily, concealed the root of the Cause in order to ensure its preservation—this in token of Our wisdom, and I, truly, am the All-Glorious, the Unconstrained. He doeth what He willeth and shall not be asked of what He pleaseth to ordain. He is the God of strength, of glory and of wisdom."