Whoso knoweth this secret will assuredly hide it, and were he to reveal but its faintest trace they would nail him to the cross. Yet, by the Living God, were there any true seeker, I would divulge it to him; for they have said: “Love is a light that never dwelleth in a heart possessed by fear.”
Verily, the wayfarer who journeyeth unto God, unto the Crimson Pillar in the snow-white path, will never reach unto his heavenly goal unless he abandoneth all that men possess: “And if he feareth not God, God will make him to fear all things; whereas all things fear him who feareth God.” 3
-Bahá'u'lláh, The Seven Valleys And the Four Valleys, The Four Valleys; Fourth Valley, pp. 57-58
1. | Qur’án 2:254; 5:1, etc |
2. | Statement attributed to ‘Alí. |
3. | This quotation is in Arabic. |
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