Saturday, March 22, 2014

"I am so carried away by the sweetness of Thine utterances ..."

..."I am so carried away by the sweetness of Thine utterances, and so inebriated with the wine of Thy tender mercies, that my voice can never be stilled, nor can my suppliant hands any longer desist from being stretched out towards Thee. Thou seest, O my Lord, how mine eyes are fixed in the direction of Thy grace, and mine ears inclined towards the kingdom of Thine utterance, and my tongue unloosed to celebrate Thy praise, and my face set towards Thy face that surviveth all that hath been created by Thy word, and my hands raised up towards the heaven of Thy bounty and favor." ...

-Bahá'u'lláh, Prayers and Meditations by Bahá’u’lláh, p. 270

Akká from head of Mt. Carmel

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