Saturday, August 10, 2024

"Through your call every sleeping one was awakened, every seated one rose up, and every reclining one rushed forth."

photo by Trina G.

"Ye are the arks of God sailing upon the ocean of His Will, and the people of God who have arisen to champion His Cause. Through you the Most Great Announcement was proclaimed and the limbs of all men were made to tremble. Through your call every sleeping one was awakened, every seated one rose up, and every reclining one rushed forth. Through that call the negligent were raised from slumber, the ignorant were enlightened, the agitated were assured, and the tongue of every stammerer was unloosed. Through your sweet remembrance all people hastened to the Most Exalted Horizon and the Crimson Ark sailed upon the sea of names."

(Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh)

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