The Bahá’í Community of Asheboro, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
" ... How, then, can this thrall claim for himself ownership of any other human being? Nay, his very existence before the court of Thy might is a sin with which no other sin in Thy kingdom can compare. ..."
enslaved African-Iranian
"Glorified art Thou, O Lord my God! Behold how one slave hath stood at the door of another, seeking from him his freedom, and this despite the fact that his owner is himself but Thy thrall and Thy servant, and is evanescent before the revelations of Thy supreme Lordship. I testify at this moment, as I stand before Thee, to that whereunto Thou didst testify to Thyself, by Thyself, that verily Thou art God and there is none other God but Thee. From everlasting Thou hast inhabited the loftiest heights of power, might, and majesty, and wilt to everlasting continue to abide in the sublimity of Thy glory, awe, and beauty.
All kings are as vassals before the gate of Thy grace, the rich are but destitute at the shore of Thy sacred dominion, and all great ones are but feeble creatures within the court of Thy glorious bounty. How, then, can this thrall claim for himself ownership of any other human being? Nay, his very existence before the court of Thy might is a sin with which no other sin in Thy kingdom can compare. Glorified, immeasurably glorified, art Thou beyond every description and praise.
O my God! Since he hath asked this servant for his freedom, I call Thee to witness at this moment that I verily have set him free in Thy path, liberated him in Thy name, and lifted from his neck the shackles of servitude, that he may serve Thee in the daytime and in the night-season, whilst I pray that Thou mayest never free mine own neck from the chain of Thy servitude. This verily is my highest hope and supreme aspiration, and to this Thou Thyself art a mighty witness."
Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
Welcome to the Bahá'ís of Asheboro blog. The Bahá'í Community of Asheboro is in central North Carolina and was established in 1983 and is part of the Randolph/Davidson Bahá'í Cluster. Please learn more about the Bahá'í Faith by visiting All are welcome to our regular study circle, discussion and devotional meetings. Please contact us if you have questions or are interested in attending:
Bahá’í teachings focus on unity
– the oneness of God,
the oneness of religion,
and the oneness of the human race.
A central belief is progressive revelation – that the Creator progressively reveals teachings for humanity through all the world's religions.
Some principles of the Bahá’í Faith are:
• the independent investigation of truth by each person,
• the elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty,
• a spiritual solution to economic problems,
• the unity of all peoples and the elimination of prejudice,
• the equality of women and men,
• the harmony of science and religion,
• universal education,
• the establishment of a universal auxiliary language.
For more information click the "Official US Baha'i website" link below. (
Asheboro Community News - Study Circle - Devotional Gatherings -All Welcome!
The Asheboro Bahá'í Community News
Book One Study Circle. All Welcome. Contact us for details
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