Saturday, January 31, 2015

"Thou art the Helper of the needy, the Deliverer of the captives, the Abaser of the oppressors ..."

"... Verily Thou art the highest aspiration of every earnest seeker and the Goal of the desire of them that yearn after Thee. Thou art He Who is ready to answer the call of such as recognize Thy divine unity, and He before Whom the fainthearted stand in awe. Thou art the Helper of the needy, the Deliverer of the captives, the Abaser of the oppressors, the Destroyer of the wrong-doers, the God of all men, the Lord of all created things. Thine are the kingdoms of Creation and Revelation, O Thou Who art the Lord of all the worlds..."

-The Báb, Selections from the Writings of the Báb

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