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“And he that feareth not God, God shall make him to fear all things; whereas all things fear him who feareth God.”
Eliot Porter |
"In truth, the wayfarer who journeyeth unto God, who treadeth the snow-white Path and turneth towards the Crimson Pillar, will never reach his heavenly home unless his hands are empty of such worldly things as are cherished by men. “And he that feareth not God, God shall make him to fear all things; whereas all things fear him who feareth God.”
Speak the Persian tongue, though the Arabian pleaseth more: Love indeed doth have a hundred other tongues in store.
How sweet in this connection is the following couplet:
Our hearts will be as open shells
Should He the pearls of grace bestow;
Our lives will ready targets be
Were He to hurl the darts of woe."
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