Friday, April 24, 2015

" ... the Collective Center of the Kingdom, embodying the institutions and divine teachings, is the eternal Collective Center."

"He is God!
O ye heavenly souls, sons and daughters of the Kingdom: GOD says in the Qur’án: “Take ye hold of the Cord of God, all of you, and become ye not disunited.”1

In the contingent world there are many collective centers which are conducive to association and unity between the children of men. For example, patriotism is a collective center; nationalism is a collective center; identity of interests is a collective center; political alliance is a collective center; the union of ideals is a collective center, and the prosperity of the world of humanity is dependent upon the organization and promotion of the collective centers. Nevertheless, all the above institutions are, in reality, the matter and not the substance, accidental and not eternal—temporary and not everlasting. With the appearance of great revolutions and upheavals, all these collective centers are swept away. But the Collective Center of the Kingdom, embodying the institutions and divine teachings, is the eternal Collective Center. It establishes relationship between the East and the West, organizes the oneness of the world of humanity, and destroys the foundation of differences. It overcomes and includes all the other collective centers. ..."

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Tablets of the Divine Plan, Tablet to the Bahá’ís of the United States and Canada

1. Qur’án 3:103.

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