Tuesday, January 5, 2021

"No more than this will I impart to thee: The riverbed can never hold the sea."

"How clear this crystal water that the enraptured Cup-Bearer passeth round! How exquisite this pure wine that the intoxicated Beauty doth proffer! How pleasing this draught of joy that floweth from the Heavenly Cup! Well is it with him who drinketh thereof, and tasteth of its sweetness, and attaineth unto its knowledge. 

No more than this will I impart to thee:

The riverbed can never hold the sea.131

For its mystery lieth hid in the storehouses of His inviolable protection and is laid up in the treasuries of His power. It is exalted above the highest essence of utterance and sanctified beyond the subtlest mode of explanation."


(The Call of the Divine Beloved)

131 Rúmí.

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