Thursday, October 3, 2024

"Be not saddened by the world, for in truth it is a lethal poison and a deadly bane."


drawing by ninjason57

"The mother-in-law of Salmán

He is the Peerless.

O maidservant of God! Occupy thyself with God’s remembrance, and detach thy heart from all but Him. For His remembrance is the heart’s consoler, the very life of all that long for Him. Be not saddened by the world, for in truth it is a lethal poison and a deadly bane. Its good and evil are as changeful and inconstant as the winds of heaven, or as the covenant of the people of the Bayán. Beware that thou exult not in its joys, nor grieve at its afflictions. The heart is the seat of the revelation of the All-Merciful; defile it not with the dross of this world! Bind thy heart to the Well-Beloved, and be thou as steadfast as the mountain in His love. Such is the counsel of this Youth unto all the maidservants of God. Occupy yourselves at dawn in praise of your Beloved, and raise your heads each morning from your couch in His remembrance. The Spirit of God and His Glory rest upon thee, and upon all His maidservants.


(Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh)

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

"Many are the souls who have listened but are not accounted by the Almighty as having heard."

photo by Trina G. 

"He is the Glory of Glories.

Hearken thou unto My call from the horizon of My prison in the midst of Mine adversaries: “Verily, there is none other God but Him, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Bountiful.” He hath truly hearkened unto the divine verses who ariseth to perform that which befitteth him. Many are the souls who have listened but are not accounted by the Almighty as having heard. True listening consisteth in man’s first perceiving with the ear of his spirit the call of the All-Merciful, and then remaining so steadfast in observing the divine precept and command that were he to witness from the peoples of the world naught save denial, enmity, and rejection he would in no wise be deflected from walking in the Straight Path of God. Well is it with them that attain!

O maidservant of God! Render thanks unto the One Beloved for having adorned thee with the wondrous ornament of His remembrance, and for having assisted thee to recognize the Supernal Beauty. Please God thou wilt, through His bestowal, be illumined in these days of the All-Glorious by the effulgence of His countenance, and rejoice at that to which thou hast attained. The Glory of God rest upon you, O ye My maidservants."


(Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

"Moderation is indeed highly desirable."

© Chuck Egerton 2024

"Moderation is indeed highly desirable. Every person who in some degree turneth towards the truth can himself later comprehend most of what he seeketh. However, if at the outset a word is uttered beyond his capacity, he will refuse to hear it and will arise in opposition."


(Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh)

Monday, September 30, 2024

"The Sun of Truth is the Word of God, ... Its appearance in every mirror is conditioned by the colour of that mirror."

St. Petersburg, FL © Chuck Egerton 2024

"The Sun of Truth is the Word of God, upon which dependeth the education of those who are endowed with the power of understanding and of utterance. It is the true spirit and the heavenly water, through whose aid and gracious providence all things have been and will be quickened. Its appearance in every mirror is conditioned by the colour of that mirror. For instance, when its light is cast upon the mirrors of the hearts of the wise, it bringeth forth wisdom. In like manner, when it manifesteth itself in the mirrors of the hearts of craftsmen, it unfoldeth new and unique arts, and when reflected in the hearts of those that apprehend the truth, it revealeth wondrous tokens of true knowledge and discloseth the verities of God’s utterance."


(Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh)

Sunday, September 29, 2024

"Craftsmanship is a book among the books of divine sciences, and a treasure among the treasures of His heavenly wisdom."

Painting in TG Collection  © Chuck Egerton 2024

"One of the names of God is the Fashioner. He loveth craftsmanship. Therefore any of His servants who manifesteth this attribute is acceptable in the sight of this Wronged One. Craftsmanship is a book among the books of divine sciences, and a treasure among the treasures of His heavenly wisdom. This is a knowledge with meaning, for some of the sciences are brought forth by words and come to an end with words."


(Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh)

Saturday, September 28, 2024

"The one true God, exalted be He, loveth to witness handiworks of high craftsmanship produced by His loved ones."

Golden Ratio, Fibonacci  Sequence Quilt by Margarete P.

"The one true God, exalted be He, loveth to witness handiworks of high craftsmanship produced by His loved ones. Blessed art thou, for what thy skill hath produced hath reached the presence of thy Lord, the Exiled, the Wronged. Please God every one of His friends may be enabled to acquire one of the crafts, and be confirmed in adhering to what hath been ordained in the Book of God, the All-Glorious, the All-Wise."


(Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh)

Friday, September 27, 2024

"Today, the greatest of all deeds is service to the Cause. Souls that are well assured should, with utmost discretion, teach the Faith, so that the sweet fragrances of the Divine Garment will waft from all directions."

photo by Trina G.
"Thou didst beg the Supreme Lord ... to bestow upon thee a station whereat in the path of His love thou wouldst give up everything: thy life, thy spirit, thy reputation, thine existence, all in all. All of these behests were submitted in the most sanctified, most exalted Presence of the Abhá Beauty. Thus did the Tongue of the Merciful speak in the Kingdom of Utterance: “God willing, he shall be seen in utmost purity and saintliness, as befitteth the Day of God, and attain the station of the most great martyrdom. Today, the greatest of all deeds is service to the Cause. Souls that are well assured should, with utmost discretion, teach the Faith, so that the sweet fragrances of the Divine Garment will waft from all directions. This martyrdom is not confined to the destruction of life and the shedding of blood. A person enjoying the bounty of life may yet be recorded a martyr in the Book of the Sovereign Lord. Well is it with thee that thou hast wished to offer whatsoever is thine, and all that is of thee and with thee in My path.”


(Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh)