Friday, October 4, 2024

"In these days, the operation of two divine names may be witnessed with the utmost clarity, to wit, the names of “Quickener” and “Destroyer”. "

The sister of Jináb-i-Ḥaydar-‘Alí

He is the Peerless, the Sanctified, the Most Glorious.

Praise be unto the Best-Beloved, the cloud of whose mercy hath ever rained upon all beings, and the sun of whose bounty hath ever shed its radiance upon all created things. Truly destitute is he who hath deprived himself of the showers of God’s grace!

O maidservant of God! Strive that thou mayest not be deprived of the effulgent splendours of His lights, nor far removed from the shadow of His mercy. Take thou refuge in His shelter, and abide thou beneath the shadow of His gracious favour; for all that cometh not beneath His shadow hath ever been, and shall remain, within the realm of disbelief. In these days, the operation of two divine names may be witnessed with the utmost clarity, to wit, the names of “Quickener” and “Destroyer”. These cause on the one hand death, and on the other, life. The one taketh life away from those that turn away from God; the other conferreth everlasting life upon those that turn towards Him. How great the power of Him Who at a single time hath made two seasons to appear: spring and autumn! How numerous the trees of human souls that have become fresh and verdant in this mystic, holy springtide, and richly laden with the fruits of divine knowledge! And how numerous the trees of human souls that have become parched and withered in this same season, deprived of all God’s manifold bestowals! A single breeze blew forth from out His peerless Paradise: To the believers in the unity of God it was a balm of peace and mercy; to the infidels, a blast of wrath and chastisement. Such is the power of Him Who is the sovereign Lord of all!

O maidservant of God! Please God thou wilt not be deprived of the gently stirring breezes of this springtide of supernal holiness, nor remain without a portion of the overflowing bounties of these days of the divine spirit. Pass thou beyond the world and all its peoples, and set thy face towards the one true God. For all else but Him is in its essence poor and needy and, being so, is powerless to satisfy even its own needs, how much less the needs of others!

Haji Mirza Haydar Ali

O maidservant of God! Whenever thou art seated in comfort and tranquillity, do thou call to mind this Captive and occupy thyself with His remembrance; and if thou beholdest an exile from his native land, do thou recount the banishment and anguish of this spiritual Youth. I swear by Him Who is the Mover of all beings! Heaven, earth, and mountains would be incapable of bearing a single atom of the tribulations that have come to pass. Nay, better were it that the afflictions of this Youth remain concealed. He, verily, hath knowledge of all things. Do thou convey the salutation of Him Who is the Tongue of God unto all His devoted handmaidens."


(Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh)

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