Thursday, October 3, 2024

"Be not saddened by the world, for in truth it is a lethal poison and a deadly bane."


drawing by ninjason57

"The mother-in-law of Salmán

He is the Peerless.

O maidservant of God! Occupy thyself with God’s remembrance, and detach thy heart from all but Him. For His remembrance is the heart’s consoler, the very life of all that long for Him. Be not saddened by the world, for in truth it is a lethal poison and a deadly bane. Its good and evil are as changeful and inconstant as the winds of heaven, or as the covenant of the people of the Bayán. Beware that thou exult not in its joys, nor grieve at its afflictions. The heart is the seat of the revelation of the All-Merciful; defile it not with the dross of this world! Bind thy heart to the Well-Beloved, and be thou as steadfast as the mountain in His love. Such is the counsel of this Youth unto all the maidservants of God. Occupy yourselves at dawn in praise of your Beloved, and raise your heads each morning from your couch in His remembrance. The Spirit of God and His Glory rest upon thee, and upon all His maidservants.


(Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh)

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