Wednesday, October 23, 2024

"Salutation and glory rest upon them that have stood fast in His Cause ..."

"Praise be to God, Who hath enabled us to recognize His own Self, bestowed upon us the knowledge of His Cause, set forth before us the path of truth and certitude, and revealed unto all created things that which beseemeth His unfailing grace. We render thanks unto Him under all conditions—such thanks as He Himself hath uttered in His Book and hath taught us as a token of His bountiful favour and sovereign might. Salutation and glory rest upon them that have stood fast in His Cause, spoken forth His praise, been privileged to hearken to His Call, set their faces towards the horizon of His grace, and drawn nigh unto the ocean of His mighty Name."


(Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh)

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