The Bahá’í Community of Asheboro, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
"Die, therefore, in your wrath, O people of oppression and ignorance!"
Remedios Varo
"The son of Naṣr Jím
In the name of God, the Most Mighty, the Most Powerful!
This is a Tablet from God unto him who hath been guided through the splendours of the Spirit and is of them that have believed and been led aright.
O servant! Say: “In the name of God, by God and in the name of our Lord, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious!” Soar then upon the wings of true knowledge to the supreme Habitation, that thou mayest hear the melodies of God from the Divine Lote-Tree. Shouldst thou soar once more, thou wilt again hear that which the people of understanding have not heard. And shouldst thou find within thyself the power and the capacity, soar thou yet again, that thou mayest behold the revelations of thy Lord, and witness, shining upon thee, the splendours of the Countenance of God, the Most Mighty, the Most Exalted.
Say, verily He is at this moment calling aloud from His seat of effulgent glory to all creation through His sweet and wondrous melodies; beware lest ye tarry in these days. Tread ye the Straight Path by the leave of your Lord, the Merciful, and be not of them that have erred and strayed. Say, verily He hath been sent down once again from the heaven of Divine Decree and reciteth unto you His mighty verses. This is indeed better for you than the dominion of this world and of the next.
Say, O people! Will ye dispute with the Spirit concerning what He hath seen and witnessed,1after He hath proclaimed the truth in the heart of ‘Alí,2and before Him in the heart of Muḥammad and in the hearts of all Who have related the verses revealed unto Them by God, the Exalted, the Most High? Say, O people of the Bayán! Should ye arise together with all the inhabitants of the earth to lead astray but one of the loved ones of God, ye would fail to do so. Die, therefore, in your wrath, O people of oppression and ignorance!
As for thee, do thou sanctify thy soul from corrupt desires; enter, then, the realms on high and follow not them that fly upon the wings of evil passions. Be firm in the Cause of God and His religion, remember that which He hath endured at the hands of His enemies, and be not of the heedless and forgetful. Spirit and glory rest upon thee and upon them that have held fast to the Handle of God and have been guided by the light of sanctity."
Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
Welcome to the Bahá'ís of Asheboro blog. The Bahá'í Community of Asheboro is in central North Carolina and was established in 1983 and is part of the Randolph/Davidson Bahá'í Cluster. Please learn more about the Bahá'í Faith by visiting All are welcome to our regular study circle, discussion and devotional meetings. Please contact us if you have questions or are interested in attending:
Bahá’í teachings focus on unity
– the oneness of God,
the oneness of religion,
and the oneness of the human race.
A central belief is progressive revelation – that the Creator progressively reveals teachings for humanity through all the world's religions.
Some principles of the Bahá’í Faith are:
• the independent investigation of truth by each person,
• the elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty,
• a spiritual solution to economic problems,
• the unity of all peoples and the elimination of prejudice,
• the equality of women and men,
• the harmony of science and religion,
• universal education,
• the establishment of a universal auxiliary language.
For more information click the "Official US Baha'i website" link below. (
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